Wednesday 9 September 2015

Fabric flowers, vase, jug and bowl

I love gardening, but I'm a somewhat erratic gardener. In the spring I put loads of plants in the soil only to completely forget about them. By the time I remember they're either dead through lack of water or else it's been raining (usually the latter here in Cornwall) and the slugs have had a feast of them! It's a similar story with my house plants - they have to be real toughies as I water them so rarely. I have a Christmas cactus that probably only gets a drink 4 or 5 times a year, and yet it survives ...and flowers!!

I have found the solution.......

no watering (solution) required!

I made these flowers some time ago as brooches, so I just took off the brooch backs and sewed on a bead with a large hole to push my cane into.
The vase is made from strips of my old kitchen curtains. 3 strips approximately 1.5" wide are plaited firmly. I used two the same and the other is slightly different fabric, but all three different would look equally as good if not better - it's just what I had.

The vase is 4.5" high and is made just like a coiled clay pot except that you sew the strips together as you go. I started at the centre of the base. When I got to the rim I trimmed the strips to be a bit narrower to smooth the edge out.

Flushed with success I couldn't stop at a vase, so here we have a bowl for my stuffed apples

and a jug (5" high) to add to my collection in a previous post.

This is a link to making flower brooches

and another flower which is slightly different.

Well, I suppose I'd better show you one of my poor neglected plants ......................say "Aloe" to Vera!

Oh dear!! - Anita X

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