Friday, 20 January 2017

Hexagon Horror Story

I've been plodding on with my paper pieced hexagons most evenings and finally decided that I have enough to join them together. (or is it 'I have had enough!!') 

I still have the half-hexagon sides to fill in, but I will leave the top and bottom pointy. At present it measures 37" x 33" and I have plans to add some interesting fabric borders.
Here are four hexagons that I particularly like.

So where is the "Horror" of my hexagon story. Well, having sewn the big hexagons into rows and bemoaning the fact that it would take me many evenings to sew these together by hand, the man in my life (who knows absolutely nothing about sewing) said "I don't see why you can't sew these by machine!".......... I can't resist a challenge!
I decided to use this stitch on my machine as opposed to zigzag which I thought would make a very stiff and obvious line.

I used grey thread so it wouldn't show too much and a shortish stitch length and width. I sewed slowly, stopped frequently and turned the needle by hand at times - it was very stressful!! .... but quick nonetheless by comparison with the hand sewing. I don't think I would have attempted this if I had been making this for anyone other than myself! 

This pic compares the two different seams - hand and machine.

My two previous posts about this project are making donuts and hexagons update.

Happy Sewing - Anita x

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